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Sudden Review 01 – 90%

October 28, 2009

Hm. I made this review not right after, but some time after our first call with a big man.


So, we made our choice. We chose the 90% stuff. Audience and everything. I denied, and chose the 10% instead. But i hypocritically lied. I liked most of the 90% music. So, i guess majority rules. But then again, we do not need to lie about it. We want fame. We thirst for fame. Well, not all of us. Yes, but there’s always an opportunist which lies inside of us. Good to know that, huh?


So. Short term goals? Train, train, and train. Choo choo. Long term goals? Longer trains. Choooooooo. You can see the end of us at the tracks, but we have a long track to cover now. And some smoke to clear. Huh, cargo.


Summarizing all; We like Kangen Band more than Erwin Gutawa, we need more steam, we’ve just talked with one of the Warner Music’s bosses, Lucia has more aggro than all of us combined, Isaac’s level of sensitivity is now heightened, and i don’t know what else could happen to a guy like me. We need to train more, harder, better, faster, not Kanye West, then we need to have a minimum of 25 songs, study about album syncing and harmonizing, and i guess that’s it. Peace.


Happy Halloween,



P.S: HELP! I can’t change my typing language into Indonesian! AGH!

Major Monthly Review – November

October 19, 2009

Well. Our first monthly review. Can’t say the best, but what the heck.

Would like to congratulate Lucia in her near success and bold attempt in the Indomaret competition. Bravo, keep it up, semangat!

Wait a second.

Wait a frickin second.

Guys, i just sent an email to one of the boss at Warner Music. 30 seconds later, he replied. Quoted for truth (with some vital datas removed):

Dear Mr Idian M,
 My name is Michael M G, the member and unofficial manager of Major 5,
 a band of musician that specializes on real non-corporate alternate
 pop/rock music, in a sense. Shortly to say, we are a musical band, and
 currently, we are planning to be a professional one. Our band is
 currently on low profile, following local competitions in an attempt
 to increase our experience and fame.
 Currently, our band lacks direction, and because of that, we've
 decided that i should send this email to you, introducing us to you.
 We're planning to aim immediately at music companies, and the closest
 connection that i could find is you. Us having this high aim would be
 caused by our possibility of having a short lifetime. Our members are
 planning to go on university degree after this year, passing senior
 high school. But with our capability, i can ensure you that we are to
 improve in a really fast rate.
 We would like to speak to you further about this matter. Is there a
 chance that one day we could meet you in person?
 Looking forward to your interest and reply.
 P.S: If you don't mind, do you, by any chance, have a Facebook
 account? This would make our communication a lot easier.
 Best Regards,
 Mike - Major5
 Hello Mike,
 Sure we can talk.
 Call me, or YM me or if you are in Jakarta we can meet.
 I have a facebook but I don't check it that often.
Warm Regards 

Team, prepare for some HARDCORE TRAINING. YEAHH!

With jolly good,


Oh wait a second! I almost forgot the monthly review! Oh yeah, so, Luce was close to the competition, we was close to winning the Ichtus competition, but for now, i’m having exams, and you other teammates are free. Show time, people, let’s get our talents started. That’s all, i think.



7-10-9 Competition Verdict :(

October 11, 2009

Outrageous. Out. Rageous. That’s all i can say. All i can see is a plain band on the third place, a rhythm-blind band on the second, and a group of incompetent fools on the first place.


Maybe WE are the incompetent fools. But there’s no way we can give up now. There’s no way. AT ALL. Too many sacrifices. We have to win at least one competition. Our defeat here may be painful, but nevertheless a lesson.


If there’s something lacking about our team, nobody should be sorry. Mistakes occur, thus imperfection exists. What we can do? Keep on training.


So…team, what do we do about competition now?

Just for fun…and victory.

October 9, 2009

This is it Majors….our first, but not our last yet. The showdown we’ve been preparing for! Prepare to rise and shine! Claim our victory!

Event: z00m Festival Musik Rohani
Location: Sri Ratu
Bounty: Rp. 1500k max, Rp. 500k min
Hunters: Izhak, Lucia, Laura, Mikey, and Ferry (our guest star)

May luck be with us, and may God bless our path!

18-9-9 Training Verdict

September 19, 2009

Yess! Akhirnya kita bisa latihan terkoordinir! 5 member utama Majors, dan 1 extra yaitu gitaris kita yg sementara, akhirnya bisa kumpul di rumahnya Zhak. Nice eh? Moreover, kita berhasil aransemen banyak hal juga! Tapi hal yang kurang bagus ya…kita kehilangan beberapa anggota sih. But it’s okay, Lawr’s back, Zhak’s ready, Hamz is okay, Luce is just good by not eating too much Lay’s, and me? Yep, still managing the blogs. I kinda abandoned my old blog after this one was created.

The verdict? Oh yeah! Sorry, got carried away. So, we’re definitely okay. Training kita bagus bagus lah, especially i brought 2 bag of Lay’s that time. Ran out in a few minutes. Gluttons. So, we arranged good, we played good, in one week, we’re supposed to be ready. But i’m going to Jakarta, and everyone else is going for holidays. Crap. Second thing, sometimes i get nervous in front of crowds or under judgement. More crap. And third training is at Wednesday next week, i’m not going to be here. Am i? Hm.

So it’s all good. Really. I think. And we’re hella prepared for our competition. Oorah!



Delay, pardon.

September 9, 2009

Well, this is just a very short apologetic post. Sorry i can’t post the recent training verdicts here, but soon, i’ll make up to it, until the Management gets back to their feet. Well, even i can’t handle this. Salute to M i guess



zOOm Festival Band 2009!

September 1, 2009

This is Mike posting. Management’s in chaos right now, so i’m taking over the whole blog system till this is over. Yes, kita ada lomba lagi. This time, kita bakal serius supaya bisa menang. So, you all need to know the qualifiers. And i’m going to type it. Reading, people. Eh, sudah tak-edit biar lebih gaul mudah

1. Pendaftaran pada tanggal 1-25 September 2009

2. Peserta mengisi formulir pendaftaran + identifikasi + Rp. 30000. Kirim ke Radio Ichtus, fax ke 0248412508, or ke rekening bank (ndak pentiiiing)

3. Peserta adalah tim band perwakilan gereja (not us) atau band indie (us!) rohani, dengan batasan usia personil maksimal 28 tahun pas 2009.

4. Satu gereja diperbolehkan mengirim lebih dari satu band (ndak penting jugaaaaa)

5. Tiap personil band hanya untuk 1 BAND SAJA. Ndak boleh multitasking.

6. Lagu wajibnya Bangkit dan Bercahaya – GMB|Giving My Best , lagu pilihan Kau Sahabatku-Imanuel Natalio, Raja Dalam Hidupku-Franky Sihombing, Tuhan Pasti Sanggup-Mike Mohede, atau lagu karangan sendiri (itu baru kita!).

7. Technical Meeting tanggal 26 September. DATANG!!!!

8. Apabila peserta lolos, akan ada technical meeting tanggal 8 Oktober dan Grand Final 10 Oktober. Yup, itu target kita coy.

9. Yang nggak datang technical meeting bakal di-DIS! WATCH OUT!

10. Keputusan Juri tidak bisa digugat-ganggu (WIS NGERTI CUYYYY)

11. Persyaratan yang lain akan diberitahu saat Technical meeting (O.o wtf)


Sudah selesai baca?

Baca lagi lah! Kalo nggak ngerti, besok (a.k.a Rabu) bakal ada MEETING di rumah Ishak. Yg boleh absent cuma Rend, Livy ma Luce (lho sepi)! Good luck guys, practice hard, we’re gonna smash them opponents down!

Best of Luck


21-8-9 Training Verdict

August 25, 2009

Holy bass. At last, it’s a serious meeting. Lack of results, however, gets my attention to you bunches of unserious people. Especially Mike, with his serious case of delinquency, to rain down on my thread about ‘mismanagement.’ Anyways, yes, i’ve observed the video recorded by that bandit, and yes, Jeffrey is helping us for the moment with the stringworks. To make it short, it seems that we have established a few ground targets for this month.

First, Mike needs to learn how to use any music editing software and synthesizing sounds.   .      .     …Yes, start now, moron.

Next, Hamz needs to stop rushing. We got target, but you can’t hit a moving target with yourself moving. And you also need to study drum variations.

Zhak has to stop taking Mike’s place at keyboard. Jokes aside, yes, Zhak needs a backup guitarist.

Hmmm. Luce? I guess she needs no update for the moment.

Oh, yes, about absentees and tardiness. Maybe not tardiness, but absence is still quite a…straightly saying, problem. Livy and Rend has been absent for what, a month straight? Yes. Zhak concludes that a fine must be imposed, but nah, for the moment, i disagree with that. We disagree, don’t we? Yes, but Livy and Rend? One day if you don’t have any reason to be absent, please, just come.

Why is Jeffrey looking at me like that? Hm. Maybe just my feeling.


13-8-9 Training Verdict

August 16, 2009

What we’ve gained during the practice:

Close to nothing. Again. Oh my god, we really need Luce back for a dose of reality. We can’t get serious or get any idea. But we tried, at least. Figuring out the intro for the second song is difficuuuult. More than 3 u’s. Yes, and currently we have synthesizer and electric drum on the wishlist. We can’t live without that. The band can’t continue without that.

Second, the Management sucks at managing the time. It’s either Wednesday or Saturday, and they just can’t decide. Stupid Management. Whoa, but if they see this post, i’ll get sued. Well, but the Management also forgets to post THIS training verdict. They owe me one.

Next thing i want to complain about in our life, our supposed 15-8-9 training FAILED miserably because of no proper timing. Zhak suddenly moved out to town, Livy at the mall, Luce sick, all that’s left is Rend and Hamz. Oh, and me too. Management, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.

Another thing, it’s kinda hard to have another breakthrough. But i hope we’re fast, if not, our first post at the blog will be filled to the brim by comments. Heh. I wish every Majors have a FB account.

Let’s just hope everything’s in place, and the second song’s finished.


And we’re off.

August 9, 2009

A recent and decent preview for this week.

Mike just lost a piano competition, which is good for him, since that competition has distracted him from the band.

Livy just joined the band (hooray!) as our second singer and second-in-command guitarist.

Zhak, Luce and Hamz are now unofficially the high-admins of Majors

And the good thing, we’re writing a new song!

I guess we can just wait until the next meeting is planned.